Dahlia’s Tears

Last Updated on December 7, 2014 by Vik

In this dark time, I’ll not be the one to abandon a champion of the Light. We will need something sacred for this to have a hope of saving your Bridenbrad… a remnant of a devout being that fell victim to this very same plague. Go now to the sacred soil of the passages outside my Ruby Dragonshrine where the battle is joined. As my Ruby Keepers fly down and set flame to the ground beneath undead feet, you will witness new life grow forth.

Among that life are Dahlia’s Tears – bring them to me.

Dahlia's Tears (1)


Level: 80
Requires level 77
Start: Alexstrasza the Life-Binder
End: Alexstrasza the Life-Binder

Alexstrasza the Life-Binder at Wyrmrest Temple has requested that you recover Dahlia’s Tears from soil freshly cleansed by a Ruby Keeper’s flames.

  • Dahlia’s Tears

Quest Series


You will receive: 7 Gold 40 Silver

Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 12,190 experience

Dahlia's Tears (2)

Dahlia's Tears (3)

Dahlia's Tears (4)

Dahlia's Tears (5)

Dahlia's Tears (6)

Dahlia's Tears (7)

Dahlia's Tears (8)

Dahlia's Tears (9)

Dahlia's Tears (10)

Dahlia's Tears (11)

Dahlia's Tears (12)

Dahlia's Tears (13)

With Dahlia's Tears and ancient magic, I fashion you some small amount of hope for your great crusader.

With Dahlia’s Tears and ancient magic, I fashion you some small amount of hope for your great crusader.

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