Icecrown Citadel

Last Updated on December 8, 2014 by Vik

Icecrown Citadel is the greatest fortress of the Scourge and the last bastion of the dread Lich King. Located in the frozen wastes of Icecrown on the continent of Northrend, the Citadel is built around the Frozen Throne that once held the spirit of Ner’zhul until he joined with Arthas Menethil to become the new Lich King. Constructed from saronite, the Citadel is inhabited by some of the strongest and vilest of the Lich King’s minions – a great army of the living dead standing between their dark master and those who seek to destroy him.

Kil'Jaeden the Deceiver

The name of Icecrown became infamous when Kil’jaeden hurled the Lich King back into the mortal world. Ner’zhul’s prison slammed into the glacier. Here the Lich King remained until Arthas Menethil freed him and the two merged in Arthas’ body. The merging created such a large explosion that a large portion of the glacier was blown away. It left a gigantic throne in its place thus creating the Frozen Throne. Upon which sits the Lich King, ruler of the scourge.

From the name one would assume Icecrown Citadel was an enormous fortress planted on the glacier, with thick walls, sturdy guard towers, and massive front gates. Not quite. Most of the Citadel lurks below the surface. The glacier is split, creating a deep fissure. Scourge forces lurk down there, and they have carved levels into either side of that massive split and created bridges, walkways and even solid floors across the gap. Not surprisingly, Icecrown Citadel is a cold, unforgiving place. It has no decorations, no furs or rugs, no fires, nothing to provide comfort or warmth. The Scourge creatures move silently from one problem to another, focused on their tasks. All manner of undead dwell here, including zombies, wraiths and beings composed of cold energy.

The Lich King 2

At the bottom of the rift is the Frozen Throne, the heart of the Scourge and the Lich King’s personal seat. This throne is the remains of the block of ice that first brought Ner’zhul to Azeroth, the same block that held him prisoner until Arthas freed the ancient orc shaman and merged with him. Arthas sits on the Frozen Throne.

Quest Chains

After  80. The Shadow Vault

Icecrown Citadel (8)

Icecrown Citadel (7)

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Icecrown Citadel (3)

Icecrown Citadel (2)

Icecrown Citadel (1)

Icecrown Citadel (5)

Icecrown Citadel (6)

Icecrown Citadel (10)

Icecrown (146)

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