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World of Warcraft Cinematic Quest Guide
Sholazar Basin Quests

Sholazar Basin Quests

last updated on April 17, 2018

Sholazar Basin  is a tropical jungle basin in the midst of Northrend. It is found between Borean Tundra and Icecrown Glacier. The zone’s climate and safety from the Scourge is maintained by pylons, erected by the Titans. Recently, one pylon in the east has fallen and the Scourge has taken this opportunity to invade from Icecrown to the north. They are now streaming down The Avalanche.


high elf scholar that once visited Kaskala believed that the titans used the Sholazar Basin as a testing ground. Some of their experiments, or at least the remains of those experiments, may still exist. Thus, the basin is a potential treasure trove of knowledge and power. Who knows what species the Titans left here, and what notes and tools?

Map of Sholazar Basin

Breadcrumb from Archmage Pentarus in Dalaran near the Flight Master

76. Where in the World is Hemet Nesingwary?

76. Welcome to Sholazar Basin

Nesingwary Base Camp

Hemet Nesingwary’s Mastery Hunt

Lakeside Landing

Weapon of the Titans Quest Chain

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