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EVE Online, articles & game guides




EVE Online,

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World of Warcraft Cinematic Quest Guide
Icecrown Quests
The Bone Witch

The Bone Witch

last updated on November 27, 2014


ou remember Lady Nightswood, don’t you? She certainly remembers you. She’s the forlorn and very angry banshee that you ‘saved’ when you also broke Vile and myself out from under the Lich King’s dominion. The lady has gone into Jotunheim and possessed their bone witch. She intends to wreak havoc upon the vrykul from within. She has asked that you seek her out. You’ll find her in the cave on the south side of Njorndar Village to the southwest within Jotunheim.
Sorry about that. It can sometimes be hard to understand what I’m saying. You know how it is. I wanted to make sure that if you find yourself at the Savage Ledge, over the mountains to the west, that you make sure to eliminate the competition there. Specifically, I’d like you to challenge to duels and humiliate Sigrid Iceborn, Efrem the Faithful, Onu’zun, and Tinky Wickwhistle in front of the vrykul.




Requires level



Speak with The Bone Witch within the cave at Njorndar Village.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
6,100 experience
75 reputation with Knights of the Ebon Blade

You will also receive:

0 Gold

74 Silver

Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

12,190 experience
10 reputation with Knights of the Ebon Blade

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