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World of Warcraft Cinematic Quest Guide
2.8 Icecrown Quests

Icecrown Quests

last updated on April 17, 2018
Icecrown, also known as Ice Crown, is a zone composed of mostly Icecrown Glacier and the immediate area around it. Icecrown is surrounded by mountains to the south. The ground is neither frozen earth nor covered with snow; it is solid ice. Hence, nothing grows here.


he name of Icecrown became infamous when Kil’jaeden hurled the Lich King back into the mortal world. Ner’zhul’s prison slammed into the glacier and created the Frozen Throne. The impact was seen as far away as the Grizzly Hills. Here the Lich King remained until freed by Arthas, and the two beings merged into Arthas’ body. From the Icecrown Citadel, he commands the Scourge.

Apparently, troops of the Scarlet Crusade succeeded in approaching the stronghold during a counter offensive, but in the end were repelled by the Scourge. Orman of Stromgarde was the highest-ranking human among the countless casualties of this failed assault.

In World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, Icecrown, previously ravaged by the tremendous force unleashed when Arthas and the Lich King merged into a single being, has been heavily fortified by the Scourge. Massive walls and ramparts have been erected throughout the region and Angrathar the Wrathgate bars entry from the bordering Dragonblight, while the reconstructed Icecrown Citadel looms overhead.

Map of Icecrown

The Argent Vanguard

Valley of Echoes

Crusader’s Pinnacle

The Skybreaker

Aldur’thar: The Desolation Gate

Saronite Mines

The Shadow Vault



Death’s Rise

Icecrown Citadel

First Legion Forward Camp

The Argent Tournament

Sindragosa’s Fall


Vikstone in his final days of World of Warcraft in 2010