Boss Fights and Guest Appearances

Last Updated on September 24, 2024 by Vik

Sergeant Vikstone did not set out on his mission to kill the Lich King alone. Many players from the Terokkar realm played a major role in his leveling process from 70 to 80. All screenshots were taken during the fights, and it was difficult not to miss important parts, especially during the scripted events and dialogue. Like most quests in Northrend, the elite story arcs and boss fights are not repeatable. Once your main character completes them, they’re done forever. It was the first and only time I ever played through Wrath of the Lich King, so I had no idea what would happen next.

Each of us has a role to play.Tirion Fordring

Featured in Boss Fights and Guest Appearances are notable members of my guild, Trinity Exiles, and the many individual players who were in the Terokkar realm during that era. Many encounters were spontaneous, with random players offering to lend a hand to Vikstone and vice versa. If you played World of Warcraft in 2009 on this server, you might be in one of the following quests.

One of my major motivations for bringing back this guide was to immortalize my friends, many of whom I would never get the chance to play with again. To me, they will always be “Terokkar’s finest.”

Monsters of Northrend

  • Amarenn <Trinity Exiles> Human Warlock
  • Apollyn <Trinity Exiles> Human Death Knight
  • Aswin <Trinity Exiles> Human Warrior
  • Baddad <The Chosen One> Night Elf Rogue
  • Biggiet <Gypsies> Human Mage
  • Bombadil <Trinity Exiles> Gnome Mage
  • Bonvitch <Knights of the Abyss>
  • Brachii <Silly Latin Name>
  • Briee <Trinity Exiles> Night Elf Hunter
  • Buri <Trinity Exiles>
  • Calvey <Trinity Exiles> Draenei Hunter
  • Cathayia <The Reaper Strain> Human Mage
  • Celrinn <Soul Sovereignty> Night Elf Hunter
  • Combatant <Crusaders of Stormwind> Human Warrior
  • Cyndren <Imperium> Night Elf Druid
  • Cytoplasm <Perpetually Undecided> Night Elf Death Knight
  • Dagerthy <Trinity Exiles> Night Elf Druid
  • Deajavu <Trinity Exiles> Night Elf Rogue
  • Disinfekt <with a vengeance> Blood Elf Paladin
  • Dowilob <Trinity Exiles>
  • Dryskol – Human Paladin
  • Elliptical <Recession>
  • Entrei <Trinity Exiles> Draenei Death Knight
  • Erytria <Republic> Human Death Knight
  • Fieroth <The Crusade> Gnome Mage
  • Fogo <Hurricane>
  • Freakuout <Unholy Wrath> Night Elf Death Knight
  • Gabe <Trinity Exiles>
  • Goldn <Vae Victus> Draenei Priest
  • Harock <Trinity Exiles>
  • Hashaan <Convicted> Human Paladin
  • Healwithlove <Asleep at the Keyboard> Human Priest
  • Hearcraft <Blitzkrieg>
  • Hibiscus <Trinity Exiles> Night Elf Druid
  • Hooblerlol <Resistance is Futile> Blood Elf Paladin
  • Hyperian <Trinity Exiles> Human Warrior
  • Jartal <Harmony> Draenei Shaman
  • Javeen <Trinity Exiles> Night Elf Druid
  • Jkingg <Vande- Industries>
  • Mardagan <Trinity Exiles> Human Paladin
  • Mcgabe <Trinity Exiles> Human Priest
  • Natea <Trinity Exiles> Draenei Paladin
  • Ogamiitto – Night Elf Rogue
  • Sanathel <The Supremacy> Human Warrior
  • Sandybabie <Warriors of SW> Night Elf Hunter
  • Septem <Trinity Exiles> Human Paladin
  • Sikotic <Trinity Exiles> Night Elf Death Knight
  • Sizzor <Cyber Nation> Rogue
  • Slaygn <Till Death Do We Part> Night Elf Hunter
  • Superjosh <Poets and Pirates> Human Paladin
  • Thimbles <Poets and Pirates> Gnome Warlock
  • Toity <Vortex> Gnome Mage
  • Trichome <Army of One> Dwarf Death Knight
  • Vor <phantom raiders>
  • Wopak <Trinity Exiles> Dwarf Warrior
  • Zaboomafu <Trinity Exiles> Dwarf Paladin

Author’s Note: Time has a way of exacting significant change. Characters don’t exist forever on a server. Realm transfers, character deletions, inactivity, and other changes have occurred over the last five years, so current data is unavailable for all players. I did what I could to chronicle all the characters and their respective classes, and’s database (formerly the World of Warcraft Armory) took care of the rest. The linked players have cached versions of their latest gear and appearances on the database, so you can see what they now look like many years later in the present day.

A Hero’s Burden77, Sholazar Basin

A  Hero's Burden (7)

Against the Giants80 (3), Icecrown

Against the Giants (15)

Banshee’s Revenge80 (5), Icecrown

Banshee's Revenge (20)

Basic Chemistry80 (5), Icecrown

Basic Chemistry (5)

Basic Chemistry (18)

Battle at Valhalas: Carnage!80 (5), Icecrown

Battle at Valhalas Carnage! (5)

Battle at Valhalas: Fallen Heroes80 (5), Icecrown

Battle at Valhalas Fallen Heroes (3)

Battle at Valhalas: Final Challenge80 (5), Icecrown

Battle at Valhalas Final Challenge (11)

Battle at Valhalas: Khit’rix the Dark Master80 (5), Icecrown

Battle of Valhalas Khit'rix the Dark Master (5)

Battle at Valhalas: Thane Deathblow80 (5), Icecrown

Battle at Valhalas Thane Deathblow (4)

Battle at Valhalas: The Return of Sigrid Iceborn80 (5), Icecrown

Battle at Valhalas The Return of Sigrid Iceborn (2)

Before the Gate of Horror80 (5), Icecrown

Before the Gate of Horror (4)

Chain of Command – 80, Icecrown

Chain of Command (30)



Convocation at Zol’Heb78 (3), Zul’Drak

Convocation at Zol'Heb (14)

Coprous the Defiled80 (5), Icecrown

Coprous the Defiled (5)

Coprous the Defiled (9)

Demolishing Megalith72, Howling Fjord

Demolishing Megalith (7)

Hour of the Worg75 (3), Grizzly Hills

Hour of the Worg (34)

Malas the Corrupter76, Zul’Drak

Malas the Corrupter (1)



Malas the Corrupter (10)

March of the Giants72, Howling Fjord

March of the Giants (5)



Mighty Magnataur73, Dragonblight

Mighty Magnataur (3)

Mind Tricks80 (3), Icecrown

Mind Tricks (1)

My Old Enemy73, Dragonblight

My Old Enemy (4)

Need More Info – 80 (3), Icecrown

Need More Info (6)

No Rest For The Wicked 80 (5), Icecrown

No Rest For the Wicked (2)

Not-So-Honorable Combat80 (5), Icecrown

I've put Vardmadra aside for the moment. She's someplace safe until we can enact our final revenge!

Not-So-Honorable Combat (13)

Prisoner of War – 71 (5), Borean Tundra

Prisoner of War (6)

Really Big Worm – 74, Dragonblight

Really Big Worm (10)

Reclusive Runemaster74, Dragonblight

Reclusive Runemaster (14)

Second Chances80 (5), Icecrown

Second Chances (2)

Second Chances (10)

Second Chances (31)

Shatter the Shards80 (5), Icecrown Citadel

Shatter the Shards (12)

Sirana Iceshriek78 (3), The Storm Peaks

Sirana Iceshriek (7)

The Admiral Revealed80 (5), Icecrown

The Admiral Revealed (1)

The Admiral Revealed (5)

The Amphitheater of Anguish: From Beyond!77 (5), Zul’Drak

The Amphitheater of Anguish From Beyond! (4)

The Amphitheater of Anguish From Beyond! (7)

The Amphitheater of Anguish: Korrak the Bloodrager! 77 (5), Zul’Drak

The Amphitheater of Anguish Korrak the Bloodrager! (2)

The Amphitheater of Anguish: Magnataur!77 (5), Zul’Drak

The Amphitheater of Anguish Magnataur! (3)

The Amphitheater of Anguish: Tuskarrmageddon!77 (5), Zul’Drak

The Amphitheater of Anguish Tuskarrmageddon! (1)

The Amphitheater of Anguish Tuskarrmageddon! (14)

The Amphitheater of Anguish: Yggdras!77 (5), Zul’Drak

The Amphitheater of Anguish Yggdras! (12)

The Amphitheater of Anguish Yggdras! (17)

The Assassination of Harold Lane72, Borean Tundra

The Assassination of Harold Lane (5)

Night Elf Male


The Battle for the Undercity – 74, Dragonblight

The Battle For the Undercity (21)



The Champion of Anguish78 (5), Zul’Drak

The Champion of Anguish (15)

The Champion’s Call!77,  starts the Amphitheater chain

The Champion's Call! (1)

The Culler Cometh72, Borean Tundra

The Culler Cometh (1)

The Frost Wyrm and its Master72, Howling Fjord

The Frost Wyrm and its Master (6)

The Gods Have Spoken77, Zul’Drak

The Gods Have Spoken (14)

The Guardians of Corp’rethar80 (5), Icecrown

The Guardians of Corp'rethar (30)

The Ironwall Rampart80 (5), Icecrown

The Ironwall Rampart (2)

The Lodestone72, Howling Fjord 

The Lodestone (4)

The Plume of Alystros – 72, Dragonblight

The Plume of Alystros (1)

The Solution Solution80, Icecrown 

gsr 2

Threat From Above80 (3), Icecrown

Threat From Above (3)

Threat From Above (17)

Threat From Above (25)

Thrusting Hodir’s Spear – 80, The Storm Peaks

Thrusting Hodir's Spear (10)



Ursoc, the Bear God75 (3), Grizzly Hills

Ursoc, the Bear God (26)

Wanted: High Shaman Bloodpaw74, Dragonblight

Wanted High Shaman Bloodpaw (4)

Wanted: Kreug Oathbreaker74, Dragonblight

Wanted Kreug Oathbreaker (1)

Wanted Kreug Oathbreaker (13)

Wanted: Onslaught Commander Iustus74, Dragonblight

Wanted Onslaught Commander Iustus (6)

Wanted: Ragemane’s Flipper75, Zul’Drak

Wanted Ragemane's Flipper (8)



Wanted Ragemane's Flipper (11)

Wanted Ragemane's Flipper (22)

Wanton Warlord74, Dragonblight

Wanton Warlord (3)

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