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World of Warcraft Cinematic Quest Guide

Howling Fjord Quests

Howling Fjord Quests

last updated on April 17, 2018

The Howling Fjord is a zone located in southeastern Northrend. Ripped into the southern coastline lies Daggercap Bay, where the forces of Arthas originally landed on the continent. Stranded by the young prince, the 5,000-strong expedition set up the outpost of Valgarde. The small settlement has since become the center of Alliance activity on Northrend. Other Alliance outposts include Westguard Keep and Fort Wildervar.


owling Fjord was a favorite on Northrend from the first time explorers reached the continent through the Daggercap Bay. The natural harbor provided an ideal launching point for expeditions throughout the continent. After the Lich King arrived, the Scourge swept across the continent, conquering most of its races and claiming many of the towns and citadels. During the Third War,

Arthas and the dwarven noble Muradin Bronzebeard joined forces against Mal’Ganis, who they thought to be the Lich King’s lackey. When Arthas’s father summoned him home again, the prince responded by hiring mercenaries to burn his own ships, and blaming only them for the act of treachery, thus forcing his men to stay and fight. He searched for and obtained the cursed blade Frostmourne in the nearby region of Dragonblight, killing Muradin in the process. He used Frostmourne to defeat Mal’Ganis but lost his soul to the Lich King as a result.

Arthas staggered away alone after the battle, and his men were left behind, stranded on Northrend. These humans and dwarves founded Valgarde. They also built the fortifications that protect it to this day. As Valgarde grew, its residents forced the Drakkari and furbolgs back into the Grizzly Hills and beyond, making the region safe enough for brave farmers to till the land.

Map of Howling Fjord



Level 10 – 30 Humanoid (Normal) Valiance Expedition

Explorers’ League Outpost


Level 10 – 30 Humanoid (Normal) Valiance Expedition

Westguard Keep

Steel Gate/Chillmere Coast

Fort Wildervar

Ember Clutch


Frozen Glade

Chillmere Coast

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