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World of Warcraft Cinematic Quest Guide

Grizzly Hills Quests

Grizzly Hills Quests

last updated on April 17, 2018

The Grizzly Hills, located in southeastern Northrend, is a forested area, surrounded by the Howling Fjord to the south, the Dragonblight to the west and Zul’Drak to the north. It is the homeland of the Grizzlemaw furbolgs. Over 20,000 furbolgs live in this zone, most in the large settlement of Grizzlemaw. Both the dwarven settlement of Thor Modan and Ice Troll/Scourge fortress of Drak’Tharon Keep can be found in the north. The main faction bases are Amberpine Lodge for the Alliance and Conquest Hold for the Horde.


he furbolgs claim they were the first people in the Grizzly Hills; so do the Drakkari ice trolls, though they’re concentrated to the north in Zul’Drak. They may both be wrong. Another hypothesis is that dwarves were there first. It is believed that the titans placed dwarves here after they had created them. It was an experiment to see if they could survive on their own. They not only survived but

flourished, spreading southward and into what would later become known as Kalimdor and the other continents.

The dwarves of Thor Modan believe they can find evidence of their dwarven ancestors in the hills, and uncover truths about their race’s early culture. Regardless, all this was well before any surviving history. No one really knows what went on here way back then.

Map of Grizzly Hills

Amberpine Lodge

Westfall Brigade Encampment

Prospector’s Point

Ruuna’s Quests

Thor Modan

Granite Springs

Harkor’s Camp

Redwood Trading Post

Drakil’jin Ruins

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