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World of Warcraft Cinematic Quest Guide

Dragonblight Quests

Dragonblight Quests

last updated on April 17, 2018

The Dragonblight, also called the Great Dragonblight, is a great dragon graveyard, located in Northrend. The entrance to the nerubian kingdom of Azjol-Nerub can be found in the mid-west part, while the mysterious Wyrmrest Temple resides in the middle. The magnataur village of Bloodmar lies here also, as well as the ruined taunka capital of Icemist Village, and the nerubian conclave of Sundered Monolith. The Forsaken base of Venomspite, as well as the Human stronghold of Wintergarde Keep are located to the east. The Scourge citadel of Naxxramas is floating in the skies above Wintergarde.


nce this region was a thriving land, the most fertile in Northrend after the Sholazar Basin. That was long ago. Now it is a vast wasteland where even the snow and ice seem drained. Most of the Dragonblight is a single enormous valley. And it’s filled with bodies of dragons. Ailing and old dragons, from every dragonflight, from all over the world, come here to die. The ground is littered

with dragons of all colors. Black, red, green, blue, and bronze, they all lie here together, all their differences set aside in death. The mightiest creatures in the world, laid low by age and illness and attack.

The land has never recovered, and never will. It weeps for its lost children, and remains barren in their memory. In effect, there are no particularly noteworthy happenings in the Dragonblight’s past, save the deaths of many dragons and the first use of the Plague to wipe out the native Humans.

Map of Dragonblight

Wintergarde Keep

7th Legion Front

Stars’ Rest

Wyrmrest Temple


Moa’ki Harbo

Nozzlerust Post

The Crystal Vice

Light’s Trust

Moonrest Gardens

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