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World of Warcraft Cinematic Quest Guide

Borean Tundra Quests

Borean Tundra Quests

last updated on April 17, 2018

The Borean Tundra  is located in the far western edge of Northrend, and is the home of the tuskarr, Drakkari trolls, and blue dragons. The Undead Scourge and the naga also inhabit the zone. Important landmarks of the region include the tuskarr capital of Kaskala and the Riplash Ruins. Coldarra is an island just off the coast. Kaskala is currently under siege and the tuskarr have moved to Unu’pe.


he Nerubians were in the Borean Tundra first, according to the ruins. However, the ruins may be parts of Azjol-Nerub that were thrust up from underground, unless it was an experiment to see if they could be comfortable living above ground. If the latter is the case it may have failed, since it is a ruin. The tuskarr were next — Kaskala’s oldest village is at least several centuries old, and the rest

grew up around it as family members split off to start their own smaller families.

The Drakkari are more recent additions to the area and have no fixed settlement. The Scourge rarely appears, and its agents never stay longer than it takes to patrol and look for potential dangers or new recruits.

Map of Borean Tundra

Valiance Keep

Fizzcrank Airstrip

Riplash Strand

Amber Ledge


D.E.H.T.A. Encampment


Coldrock Quarry

Winterfin Retreat

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